Russian Prime Minister Medvedev: All Gas Issues With Ukraine Have Been Settled

Moscow and Kiev have signed documents ensuring the transit of Russian gas via Ukraine starting 1 January 2020, after a long dispute over Ukrainian lawsuits against Gazprom.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has stated that all issues over gas transit with Ukraine have been settled, noting it was a necessary compromise.

An employee in branded jacket is seen at the Atamanskaya compressor station, facility of Gazprom’s Power Of Siberia gas pipeline outside the far eastern town of Svobodny, in Amur region, Russia November 29, 2019

The Russian-Ukrainian protocol, signed last week after negotiations in Minsk, envisages the delivery of 65 billion cubic metres (over 2 trillion cubic feet) in 2020 and 40 billion cubic metres (1.5 trillion cubic feet) per year thereafter for four more years.

It also settles the situation regarding direct gas supplies to Ukraine at a discounted European hub price. According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Kiev expects to receive at least $7 billion in revenue during the five-year period of the contract.


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