Imprisoned Harvey Weinstein in Isolation With High Temperature, May Have COVID-19, Report Claims

Weinstein is a former Academy Award-winning Hollywood producer and co-founder of entertainment companies Miramax and The Weinstein Company. In 2017, following sexual abuse charges which sparked the #MeToo social media campaign, Weinstein was found guilty and sentenced to 23 years in prison.

Movie producer turned sex criminal Harvey Weinstein is in prison isolation with high temperature, and may have been infected with COVID-19, according to a TMZ report.

As the website states, citing unnamed sources in law enforcement, the former film producer and now convicted sex offender is in “bad shape” and has multiple health conditions, some of which point to a coronavirus infection. Because of that he was tested on Tuesday and placed under isolation for 72 hours. 

If the results of the test are positive, Weinstein will be transferred to the prison hospital.

According to the TMZ sources, Weinstein has various health problems which could complicate his current illness. 


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