America Won’t Bring Iran to Its Knees Although Sanctions Still Bite – Rouhani

America Won't Bring Iran to Its Knees Although Sanctions Still Bite – Rouhani

US President Donald Trump announced the re-imposition of economic sanctions against Tehran in early May, when he also said that Washington was leaving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

The US will never achieve its goals despite the fact that Washington’s sanctions against Tehran have a negative impact on Iranians’ living standards, according to President Hassan Rouhani.

“No doubt, the US will suffer defeat while the Iranian government, supported by the parliament, the people and the spiritual leader, will cope with difficulties”, Rouhani’s official website quoted him as saying on Tuesday.

Rouhani also argued that “the main task of the US conspiracy and the [US] sanctions’ pressure is to bring the Islamic Republic to its knees”.

He stressed that US’ restrictive measures “violate all international agreements and are directly aimed at the Iranian people, the population of the region and international companies”.

“They [the US] want the Iranian people to lose faith in the future of the country and our political system and become convinced of the inefficiency of the state”, Rouhani said, adding that Washington is trying to convince people that “the Iranian government cannot control the situation in the country”.

The remarks came after Rouhani said last week that “the days of US political dictatorship” are over and that Washington is “no longer able to impose its dictates on the region and relations between countries and great nations from a distance of several thousand kilometres”.

Earlier, Iran’s Central Bank Governor Abdolnaser Hemmati said that the country’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei had “ordered” the bank to boost the value of the Iranian rial.

“The Central Bank of Iran will do its best to reinforce the rial and would back Iranian banks in this regard. Banking facilities should be paid to production units with a higher level of productivity”, Hemmati pointed out.

The past few months have seen the gradual strengthening of the Iranian national currency, which showed signs of devaluation after US President Donald Trump announced Washington’s withdrawal from the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, also known as the Iran nuclear deal, on May 8. At the time, he also pledge to reinstate the “hardest ever” economic sanctions on Iran.


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