Human’s Earliest Known Home Discovered in Southern Africa, New Study Claims

The discovery was made in the Kalahari desert, where scientists have been excavating and conducting studies for several years. Researchers say their finding is an important step to understanding the speed of human evolution across the African continent.

An international team of scientists from Canada and Israel claim to have discovered mankind’s earliest known home. According to the study’s findings, recently published in the Quaternary Science Reviews, the researchers discovered evidence of human activity in the Wonderwerk Cave (miracle cave in Afrikaans).

While examining sedimentary layers, the scientists found different tools used by early men. In the old layers scientists discovered Oldowan tools – sharp flakes or chopping tools made of stone – whereas newer layers contained evidence of hand axes.

​The researchers then figured out the age of the tools by analysing samples of sediment.

The results showed that our oldest ancestors began living in the Wonderwerk cave almost two million years ago.

“We can now say with confidence that our human ancestors were making simple Oldowan stone tools inside the Wonderwerk Cave 1.8 million years ago,” said Professor Shaar.

Besides the tools, scientists also discovered burnt animal remains and evidence of fire use. However, it’s unclear whether the individuals, who lived in the cave, made the fire or whether they just used it.

Horwitz suggests that the Wonderwerk Cave, which is considered a spiritual place by local communities, had a special value “from the beginnings of time”.

Scientists didn’t find remains of humans, which makes it impossible to establish what species of human lived in the cave. The most likely candidate, researchers say, is Homo Habilis.


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