Bernard Looney, who was born in Ireland, takes over as chief executive from Bob Dudley. Mr Looney joined BP in 1991 as a drilling engineer and ended up leading their upstream division, which includes oil and gas exploration and production.
BP shut down its head office in London on Wednesday, 5 February, after climate change protesters tried to block the entrance.
The demonstration coincided with Chief Executive Bernard Looney’s first day in office.
Greenpeace spokesman Stefano Gelmini said police arrested 12 activists but the police put the number detained as nine.
More than 100 Greenpeace activists attempted to put up 500 solar panels in front of BP’s headquarters in St James’ Square and olled oil barrels in front of the building’s main entrance.
Mr Looney is expected to set out his vision for BP’s response to the low carbon energy transition next week.
In a statement said Mr Looney “hopes that what he has to say then will give people a sense that we get it and are very serious about working to address the problem.”