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“The Cloverfield Paradox” Didn’t Have to Be Bad |

What’s worst about “The Cloverfield Paradox,” the J. J. Abrams-produced movie that Netflix surprise-released, on Sunday night, after the Super Bowl, is that it didn’t have to be bad. The film—the third in the “Cloverfield” franchise—assembled a charismatic cast, headed…

Trump’s Nuke Plan Raising Alarms Among Military Brass

The Trump administration’s Nuclear Posture Review (NPR), to be released Friday, will include a call for the deployment of low-yield, “more usable” nuclear warheads, a move widely anticipated when a draft of the document was leaked to the Huffington Post on…

What Mitch McConnell actually promised on DACA

Senate Democrats agreed to reopen the federal government last month because they had reached an understanding with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on how to move forward with an immigration debate. In the eyes of the activist base, that was…