Republican Lindsey Graham: Erdogan Made “Phone” Commitment to Trump Not to Enter Kobani

Last Wednesday, Turkey launched a cross-border operation in the north of Syria, It claimed the move was to remove Kurdish forces and Daesh* militants from the area and establish a “safe zone” for Syrian refugees.

The chair of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary Lindsey Graham said on Monday the US President and his Turkish counterpart had a phone conversation, during which Erdogan promised not to take the Kurdish-held town of Kobani. 

Turkey’s NATO allies, including the US, have harshly criticised Turkey’s invasion of Syria  and suspended arms sales to Ankara, with Washington imposing sanctions on Ankara. Earlier, the US administration withdrew its forces from the region, abandoning its bases near Ayn Issa, Tabqah, and Manbij. Meanwhile, the Syrian authorities have condemned Turkey’s operation, calling it an act of “aggression” and saying that it represents a violation of Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.


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