New Delhi (Sputnik): If you’ve watched the famous Hollywood film The Rise of The Planet of The Apes, then you have a rough idea of the kind of things our prehistoric ancestors, monkeys, could learn if trained properly. Even though the film is a work of fiction, stories of a monkey-gone-rogue are making headlines in India.
Aged six, a monkey named “Kalia”, who was born in the goon-politics-ridden Mirzapur district of India’s Uttar Pradesh, has been sentenced to stay in an enclosure at the Kanpur Zoo for the rest of his life.
Why? Well, the monkey became a town nuisance after his owner – an occultist – died in Mirzapur some years ago. The man raised the monkey, feeding him non-vegetarian food and alcohol – a developed requirement for the animal that he was deprived of after the demise of his master.
Not being able to get his daily dose of alcohol, the monkey became aggressive and soon began attacking people – especially women and children. As many as 250 cases have been registered against Kalia, accusing him of brutally biting people on the roads. His terrible bite also led to the death of a minor girl.
“We were informed about the monkey some time ago and a special team travelled 200 km from Kanpur to Mirzapur to capture the monkey and bring it back to the zoo. But, this monkey who also had a rather protective girlfriend – was a tough nut to crack. Everytime we tried to dart at him with tranquilizer, his monkey girlfriend would alert him with sound signals and he’d disappear quickly. We had to distract his girlfriend before we could capture him. It took us three days to get him”, Mohd. Nasir, the veterinary doctor at Kanpur Zoo, told Sputnik on Tuesday.
According to Nasir, who is studying the monkey’s unusual behaviour, Kalia is particularly attracted to women.
In the zoo, the monkey is given a vegetarian diet mostly comprised of fruits – “but that’s not how Kalia rolls!”
“He has major mood swings and tantrums. Sometimes he gets angry with us for not giving him non-vegetarian food. He simply refuses to eat for three to four days before his hunger forces him to eat the fruits”, Nasir revealed.
Not just by nature, but the physical growth of the monkey is also exceptional, the veterinary doctor notes.
“His canine teeth are unusually long and sharp. Two canine teeth of a normal monkey combined together makes for one of his canine teeth”.
Due to his notorious lifestyle, the monkey has been assessed as a danger to animals and people outside, hence the Kanpur Zoo authorities have decided to keep him imprisoned for life.
Indian monkeys often make it to the headlines for their out-of-the box cases.
Earlier, in May, a monkey riding a mini bike was caught on camera as he tried to abduct a toddler in India. The eye-popping video went viral on social media.
Attacks by monkeys on people across the country have reached frightening proportions. Thousands of people are bitten by primates in India every single day. The animals also steal food, valuables such as money, and cause huge damage to property.
Indian authorities plan to use artificial intelligence to sterilise monkeys since the animals have become increasingly aggressive.
A group of scientists from the Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology in New Delhi are now working with Microsoft AI for Earth to identify and track the movements of animals that have attacked humans. Researchers will then send this information to the city’s animal control officers, who in turn will catch the bellicose monkeys and sterilise them.