Newly Released Mueller Interview Notes Suggest Trump’s Interest in DNC E-Mails in 2016 Campaign

The release comes amid the ongoing 2020 presidential campaign in the United States and the continuous push for US President Donald Trump’s impeachment carried out by the Democrats.

New interview notes from Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation have been received and released by CNN on Saturday.

CNN had previously sued the US Department of Justice for access to the Mueller team’s interview notes which allegedly show that Trump’s 2016 campaign team discussed in private how they could get access to the Democratic e-mails obtained by WikiLeaks.

The notes reveal that Trump’s former campaign official Steve Bannon told the Mueller team that Trump was allegedly wanted to ”get the emails” that were hacked by WikiLeaks.

Additionally, those emails are also claimed by Trump’s opponents from the Democratic party to have been ”stolen by Russians”, which both Donald Trump and Russia have repeatedly dismissed.

Earlier in July, a US federal court dismissed the multi-million dollar lawsuit filed by the Democratic National Committee last year against the Russian Federation, WikiLeaks, the Trump campaign, and several senior Trump administration officials. President Trump also praised the decision by the court on his official Twitter page.

The Mueller probe also did not state any exact evidence of the alleged ”collusion” of Donald Trump with Russia, saying that no “broader conspiracy” had affected the outcome of the elections.

Hilary Clinton Battle Against WikiLeaks

2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hilary Clinton has continuously slammed WikiLeaks and its editor Julian Assange as ”an instrument of Russian intelligence”, claiming that her 2016 presidential run had been “stolen” from her following the release of compromising email content.

In 2016, WikiLeaks released over released a tranche of documents from Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton’s emails as well as from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) leadership and Clinton’s campaign leadership, including how it rigged the primary elections in Clinton’s favour and obtained for the candidate debate questions before her televised arguments with Trump.

According to the Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, the documents that are still pending publication ”would be enough to indict Clinton”, as he said previously via video link from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.


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