NASA Spacecraft to Make Another Close Flyby of the Sun

NASA's spacecraft will make another close approach to the Sun, the second of three planned flybys through the sun's scorching atmosphere.

The Parker Solar Probe set a record by flying within 3.8 million miles (six million kilometers) of the Sun in December, coming closer than any object sent before.

The plan was to try the mission again on Saturday. Because the flyby is out of range, the mission team won't receive data from Parker until Tuesday afternoon.

Parker is the fastest spacecraft ever built, and at its closest approach it should again reach 430,000 mph (690,000 km/h).

Launched in 2018 to study the Sun in detail, Parker has since flown through its crown-shaped outer atmosphere, known as the corona.

Scientists hope the information gathered by Parker will help them better understand why the Sun's outer atmosphere is hundreds of times hotter than its surface and what drives the solar wind, the supersonic stream of charged particles that constantly flows out from the Sun.


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