MOSCOW (Sputnik) – French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin on Thursday urged the population to observe rules guiding the nationwide lockdown, after numerous violations of the regime were reported.
The French government has introduced a general stay-at-home regime on 30 October amid the surge in COVID-19 infection rate since early fall. The daily count of over 86,000 fresh cases registered on 7 November is confirmed to be the highest in France since the pandemic occurred.
Darmanin took to Twitter to call on the citizens to take the restrictions seriously.
”RESPECT FOR LOCKDOWN. Between October 30 and November 9 inclusive : 88 455 PV [protocols of non-compliance with the COVID-19 measures] were confirmed, of which 27 094 [are] in Ile-de-France, 315 [cases] concern the irregular opening of establishments to the public,” Darmanin tweeted.
Within the framework of the lockdown, the authorities have ordered closures of non-essential businesses and stores, cafes, gyms and other public places. However, some companies will benefit from the state-sponsored partial unemployment program that partially covers the wages of their employees.
As of Thursday, France confirmed 1,914,919 COVID-19 cases and 42,599 related fatalities.