Former French President Sarkozy Reveals What Neither He Nor Vladimir Putin Could Get Their Hands On

In his book “The Time of Storms” (Le Temps des Tempêtes), former French President Nicolas Sarkozy noted that Vladimir Putin was an easy person to talk to as he is polite, listens carefully and is inclined to smile.

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has written in his book that during his first meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2007 at the G8 summit in Heiligendamm (Germany), the two heads of states couldn’t share the last piece of chocolate left on the table.

Sarkozy says with this moment “the ice was cracked” and many years later Putin recalled the story of the chocolate and laughed a lot at this funny incident.

The former president noted that the first meeting between the two went very well as he was sitting between Putin and Angela Merkel, who cautiously sat him on her left, leaving a place on the right for George W. Bush.


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