EU Includes 2 More Russian Citizens, 4 Entities on List of Sanctions Over Ukraine

BRUSSELS (Sputnik) – The European Union has included two Russian individuals and four organisations in the list of sanctioned individuals over Ukraine.

Alexander Ganov, Leonid Ryzhenkin, as well as JSC Lenpromtransproekt, JSC Directorate for the construction of the Berkakit-Tommot-Yakutsk railway, FSUE Crimean Railway and Crimean First Insurance Company have been added to the list.

Alexander Ganov is the CEO of Grand Service Express, a long-distance train operator for transportation between mainland Russia and Crimea.

In March 2020, Leonid Ryzhenkin was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree, for the construction of the Crimean Bridge by presidential decree.

Russia has been targeted by the EU and the US sanctions since 2014 after the Crimean Peninsula left Ukraine and rejoined Russia. The punitive measures have been imposed over Moscow’s alleged meddling in the internal crisis in Ukraine.

Russia, for its part, stressed that Crimea reunited with the country via a peaceful democratic referendum and in accordance with the international legal framework. Moscow also denied any involvement in the civil war that started in Ukraine.


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