Biden Declares Winter Storm Crisis in US State of Oklahoma, Federal Emergency Agency Confirms

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – US President Joe Biden has approved a state of emergency in the Midwest state of Oklahoma because of a continuing severe winter storm there, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) said in a press release on Thursday.

“Yesterday, President Joseph Biden declared that an emergency exists in the State of Oklahoma and ordered federal assistance to supplement state, tribal, and local response efforts due to the emergency conditions resulting from a severe winter storm beginning on February 8, 2021, and continuing,” the release said.

Biden’s action authorizes FEMA to coordinate all disaster relief efforts to alleviate the hardship and suffering caused by the emergency on the local population and to provide appropriate assistance for required emergency measures, the release explained.

Emergency protective measures for mass care and sheltering and direct federal assistance will be provided at 75 percent federal funding, the release added.


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