Work on digital tax to continue. “No ambassador, no country, will dictate to us”

Work on the digital tax will continue, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Affairs Krzysztof Gawkowski announced on Friday. He calculated that if Poland had introduced this tax five years ago, the budget would have gained an additional PLN 10-15 billion.

Work on digital tax to continue.

photo: Marek Wiśniewski / / Puls Biznesu

The head of the Ministry of Digital Affairs said in a TVN24 program that the work on the tax on bigtech that has been started in the ministry will be continued.

He pointed out that European countries that have already introduced such taxes have introduced “hundreds of millions” of euros into their budgets. He gave examples of Austria, Great Britain, and France. He calculated that if Poland had introduced such a tax five years ago, the state budget would have gained an additional PLN 10-15 billion. “This money could have been spent on startups, technologies, digitization of administration, or artificial intelligence,” he said.

Future US Ambassador Threatens Poland

On Monday, Gawkowski informed PAP Biznes that the Ministry of Digital Affairs will present a model of a digital tax on the revenues or profits of big tech companies in Poland in the coming months. On the same day, Donald Trump's nominee for the position of US ambassador to Poland, Tom Rose, wrote on the X website that introducing a digital tax would harm Poland and relations with the US, and President Trump would retaliate. After this announcement, Gawkowski declared that he would not withdraw from the plans.

On Thursday, Finance Minister Andrzej Domański reminded that tax policy is shaped by the Ministry of Finance and that the ministry is not currently working on a digital tax. When asked about his assessment of Rose's post, Domański replied that ” no ambassador, of any country, will dictate to us what taxes we introduce and which we potentially eliminate. These are decisions of the Polish government.”

In turn, on Wednesday, the Minister of Funds and Regional Policy, Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz, announced in Programme 1 of the PR that “when we mature, prepare the tax (digital – PAP) and there is a moment for it, then there will definitely be support for Poland 2050″. (PAP)

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