Mark Zuckerberg lays out Facebook in 3 directions fake news

Mark Zuckerberg lays out Facebook’s 3-pronged approach to fake news

CEO of Facebook, mark Zuckerberg outlined three main types of “fake news” and laid out the different Facebook strategies to combat each of them.

Speaking in a VOX co-founder Ezra Klein on his podcast Ezra Klein Show, Zuckerberg outlined three broad categories of fake news: spammers, who are usually independent entities, state institutions controlled by foreign governments and factions, and “real media [are] different levels of accuracy and reliability.”

These three very different categories with three very different potential solutions, which Zuckerberg laid out in the sense of increasing complexity. Oddly enough, the most difficult Category was the last, which involves the process of detecting and enhancing the real, reliable media. Solving this question, which Klein called “conceptual” problem — has been a constant dilemma for Facebook, according to Zuckerberg. That’s how he sees these three categories on the platform and how Facebook is coming close to him.


Facebook plans to allow users to decide which news sources are most “reliable”

1) spammers

Zuckerberg has made it clear that the problem spammers were easy to communicate with all Facebook need to do to ward off spammers, he said Klein, “to make it uneconomical” for them to be on the platform. So Facebook prevented advertisers from unethical monetization on the platform and debugged algorithms to show their content under:

And after implementing these steps,“ in the end,” Zuckerberg said, “they just get to the point where they go and do something else.”

The second problem is a little harder but still manageable, he said.

2) subjects, or Russian bot farm

The second Category is what Zuckerberg described as “mostly Russian intervention forces” — in fact, a Russian bot farm circulating propaganda and manipulating conversations on social media. This is a “security issue”, according to Zuckerberg, and he thinks that Facebook is “making progress” in dealing with him — although it’s not something that can never be “completely” solved:

Zuckerberg said that after the failed elections of 2016, “we spent a lot of time on the development of new AI tools to find the fake accounts spreading misinformation”. Before last year’s elections in Germany, the company removed approximately 10,000 fake accounts, but disputes continue about the ad that was allowed to remain.

Zuckerberg stressed that Facebook is invested in working with the governments, as it worked with the election Commission of Germany — to combat this problem. “If you are working with the authorities in the country, they do actually have a full understanding of what is happening and what all the questions that we need to focus.”

3) fake news from the real media

The biggest problem of all, Zuckerberg said Klein, is the real media“, which is probably to say that they think this is true, but have different levels of accuracy and reliability”.

“This is actually the most difficult part of the question to deal with,” he said. “Because, I think there are very big questions of speech. People say things that could be wrong, but, like, they make it, they think they are speaking their truth, and you really want to close them for this?”

It is worth noting that many of the most ardent critics of Facebook say that Yes, it’s worth a stop many kinds of harmful and poisonous speech, and that, not being more active on this front as Facebook were here. Still, Zuckerberg wanted to discuss how the company is changing.

“This year,” he said, “we have rolled out a number of changes to the news feed that try to raise the rating of overall reliable news source”:

Zuckerberg stressed that Facebook “community” was at the center of these changes. “We interviewed people throughout the community and asked them whether they trusted different sources of news,” he said. Overall, Zuckerberg has made it clear that he expects Facebook users to tell what they want and direct the algorithm Facebook how to give it to them.

Zuckerberg believes in the healing power of the Facebook algorithm to show users with “meaningful” content

Zuckerberg stressed that Facebook search algorithmic weeding-out unreliable news for Facebook users, interview them to find out what they want — despite the cries of critics who argue that this approach is untenable at best and potentially catastrophic at worst. Incidentally, as the company refused to link-bait, according to Zuckerberg, by creating “panels of hundreds or thousands of people” to help educate the Facebook algorithms do not take such things based solely on likes and clicks.

“We try to design algorithms that just compare what people are actually telling us is important to them,” said Zuckerberg.

He also noted in response to question Klein about changes in a strange new media and small publications that the changes he implemented in the Newswire is not intended to be stunning — at the very least, they will stimulate or hide Content in the range of about “20 percent”:

Zuckerberg continued to clarify what type of “meaningful” content, the company relies on comes down to content that promotes the relationship building and interaction.

“You can break Facebook and social media use into two categories,” said he. “One is where people connect and build relationships, even if it is thin. … The other part is used mainly Content consumption”.

Zuckerberg apparently referring to the study Facebook conducted, claimed that “the thing about interaction with people and build relationships, ultimately correlated with all measures of long-term well-being, what you expect, and the fact that in the first place only on Content consumption, even if they are informative and entertaining, and people say that they love them, they do not correlate with long-term measures of well-being.”

“So this is another shift we made in the news and in our system this year,” he said. “We prioritize to show more Content from friends and family so you will be more likely to have interactions that are meaningful to you and that the more time you spend building these relationships.”

Although the Facebook study showed that increased interaction will contribute to the happiness of numerous scientific studies over many years have shown that increased Facebook use corresponds to an increase of depression, low self-esteem, and General unhappiness, regardless of the use of this website is passive or active. So don’t expect new and improved news feed will result in an immediate increase in happiness — even for just 20 percent.

You can listen to the full appearance of Zuckerberg on the show, Ezra Klein.


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