AI assistant in mObywatel and office? Government provides Polish model PLLuM

PLLuM is a language model created for administration, companies and scientists; every citizen can use the chatbot – said on Monday Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Affairs Krzysztof Gawkowski. The ministry has established the HIVE consortium, which is to implement AI models in mObywatel and offices – added Deputy Minister Dariusz Standerski.

AI assistant in mObywatel and office? Government provides Polish model PLLuM

/ Ministry of Digital Affairs / YouTube

“PLUuM is a trusted model that is supposed to strengthen Polish digital sovereignty; if we focus only on foreign companies, American consortiums, we will all be mistaken. American companies and their parameters are not the promised land,” said Deputy Prime Minister Gawkowski during a press conference.

As announced by Deputy Minister of Digital Affairs Dariusz Standerski, PLLuM has been made available on Hugging Face in the form of 18 models that use from 8 to 70 billion parameters.

The models come in two versions: commercial and non-commercial, or scientific – added Dr. Eng. Jan Kocoń, the scientific director of the PLLuM project. “The larger the model, the smarter it is, but also more 'resource-hungry'; commercial models can be expected to be of slightly worse quality, but they can be used in companies; they can be adapted to your needs,” explained Kocoń.

The model has also been made available in a browser form, where anyone can test it, ministry representatives said during the conference.

“PLLuM is a model based on original Polish data, built on one of the largest text corpora in the country, over 100 billion words,” emphasized Dr. Eng. Kocoń. It is adapted to the specifics of the Polish language and public administration terminology, they added.

As they indicated, the project is being carried out at the request of the Ministry of Digital Affairs, which owns the results and controls the development of PLLuM. Until now, the consortium included: Wrocław University of Science and Technology, which was the project leader, the Institute of Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Scientific and Academic Computer Network (NASK-PIB), the Information Processing Center (OPI-PIB) and the University of Lodz.

As Standerski said, in place of the PLLuM consortium, the Ministry of Digital Affairs established the HIVE consortium, which will be joined by two new entities: the Central Information Technology Centre (COI) and Cyfronet AGH, which has the fastest supercomputer in Poland. The leader of the project is NASK – PIB – he added.

HIVE's tasks will include implementing a virtual assistant based on PLLuM in mObywatel, which is to be handled by COI, and implementing an intelligent assistant in offices, which is to reduce bureaucracy and simplify the work of officials – explained the deputy minister.

“We are increasing financing (for the consortium – PAP) from PLN 14 million in 2024 to PLN 19 million in 2025,” Standerski said.

The development of PLLuM is an opportunity to strengthen Poland's competitiveness in the IT sector and the entire economy; investments in artificial intelligence contribute to the creation of new companies and products based on AI, driving economic growth – said representatives of the ministry.

They indicated that the data on which PLLuM was trained was obtained in an ethical manner; it uses texts obtained from owners who granted a license to the consortium, as well as resources that, in accordance with the Copyright and Related Rights Act and EU regulations, can be used to build a fully open model.

Data within the PLLuM consortium were collected from February 2024; model training lasted from June to September last year; in October the model was trained and in November it was optimized; according to the original plans, it was to be published in December last year. (PAP)

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