‘We Don’t Want You, Marco’: US Republican Lawmaker Clowned for ‘Blue Wave’ Tweet

As voter data continues to pile in, US Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) argues that Republican voters in his home state of Florida will lead a wave to reelect US President Donald Trump. However, netizens say the potentially historic GOP voter turnout does not automatically translate to the president winning the election.

“In 2016 Republicans ended with a 0.6% turnout advantage in #Florida,” Rubio argued in a Tuesday tweet that included a wave GIF. “Just wait until you see what it is this time.”

Netizens began to call Rubio out over his use of an image of a blue wave while implying that Republican, or “red,” voter turnout will translate to Trump’s reelection.

Rubio previously predicted there would be a “red wave” in Congress during the 2018 midterm elections.

Of course, this was not the case, as Democrats reclaimed a majority in the House of Representatives after winning 41 seats, for a net gain of 39 seats, in the elections.

The Florida senator came under fire earlier this week after he appeared to back a group of Trump supporters who surrounded a Biden campaign bus in Texas last week.

“All the cars on the road … We love what they did! But here’s the thing they don’t know. We do that in Florida every day.”

Sourse: sputniknews.com

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