International Winter School on Electronics to Be Held Online

The International Winter School “Current Trends in Advanced Electronics” will be held online from 18 to 29 January 2021, the press service of the Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR) reported.

“The choice of topics for a scientific winter school is not random. Our university is one of the leaders among Russian universities in scientific research in microelectronics, photonics and plasma electronics. Our scientific schools have accumulated vast experience, which we are ready to share not only with our students, partners, and foreign colleagues, but also to spread it to the international academic community”, TUSUR’s vice-rector for international cooperation and organiser of the Winter School, Gennady Kobzev, commented.

Electronics is an essential part of everyday life in society and is constantly changing and developing. According to the organisers, annual revenues in the consumer electronics industry all over the world grow at a rate of 7.7%, and the number of users is expected to reach 2,563 million by 2023.

During the Online Winter School, TUSUR will present an overview of the major research areas of the university in electronics – the most popular and relevant ones at present. The school will hold lectures, virtual laboratory tours, and project sessions in English on micro and nanoelectronics, physical electronics, optics and photonics, and basic electronic components.

More than 50 masters’ level students from China, France, Japan, Finland, Turkey, and other countries have registered for the International Winter Scientific School in Electronics. Ritsumeikan University (Japan), Bordeaux INP (France), LUT University (Finland), Tianjin University, Hebei University of Technology (China), Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), University of Twente (Netherlands), and Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg (Germany) have all confirmed participation.

The organisation of scientific schools in electronics is important for the professional orientation of students, said Professor Stanislav Darovskikh, head of the Department of Information Communication Technology at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, South Ural State University (SUSU).

Online classes on the Russian language and academic writing will also be held for participants of the Winter School “Current Trends in Advanced Electronics”. Following the event, video recordings of lectures delivered by scientists will be prepared and made available to the public.

According to the organisers, all participants of the International Winter School will be presented with special certificates. Participants must apply for registration by 25 December.

The International Winter School “Current Trends in Advanced Electronics” is organised by the Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics and is aimed at strengthening and developing academic partnerships with the world’s leading universities in the field of one of the most promising global trends.


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