Astronomers Hunt Down Mysterious Space Signals’ Sources to Galaxies Far, Far Away

As one of the researchers explained, the search for fast radio bursts’ origins helps us learn more about the galaxies from where these signals came.

While last year, scientists managed to trace the source galaxy of one of the so called fast radio bursts (FRB), a team of researchers led by astrophysicist Shivani Bhandari of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) in Australia has managed to perform a similar feat with three other such signals, Science Alert reports.

According to the media outlet, while the sheer distance between our galaxy and the galaxies the signals originated from, located billions of light years away, makes it virtually impossible to identify the individual objects that produced said FRBs, the team’s findings have allowed scientists to narrow down the prospective sources of these signals.

Also, it seems that the galaxies in question are somewhat similar to the Milky Way galaxy which helps narrow down the search even further, with CSIRO astrophysicist Elaine Sadler saying that “models such as mergers of compact objects like white dwarfs or neutron stars, or flares from magnetars created by such mergers, are still looking good”.

And though scientists are yet to determine with absolute certainty what exactly produces FRBs, Bhandari noted that their research also helps us learn more about the galaxies from where these signals come.


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