Advanced Custom Fields Plugin For WooCommerce Products

WooCommerce sites usually have a requirement of adding varying data to their products using distinct fields. However, they cannot get all the fields correct at the development, clearly, the business transforms and expands too. It’s quite prevalent that WooCommerce site owners are looking for ways to increase the custom fields on an individual product page and accordingly display it on the front end. This guide would help all the site owners to use an advanced custom fields plugin on WordPress in order to add custom fields on their single pages.

It involves a bit of coding, though you don’t have to worry as the method or the procedure is simple to understand. Moreover, you will gain a charge of making personalised changes on the platform all by yourself. The advanced custom fields plugin can be applied to any eCommerce template and themes. Let’s begin by understanding the ACF WordPress plugin.

Advanced Custom Fields Plugin For WooCommerce Products
Advanced Custom Fields Plugin For WooCommerce Products

In order to add custom field, WooCommerce product, you have to download and install the Advanced Custom Fields WooCommerce plugin from After downloading, you are going to see extensive options through the dashboard enabling you to insert and manage custom fields on your WooCommerce Platform. Moreover, the plugin is free, which means you don’t have to pay any extra money.

The most significant aspect concerning the advanced custom fields plugin is that users don’t have to work with any additional syntax or toolset like prefixes wpcf in the custom field name. It’s one of the most popular plugins with extensive reach to users across the world. On, you will be able to find it under the section called “Pluging” or you can also search for it. Install it and get ready to do some computation.

Advanced Custom Fields WooCommerce

Using the ACF WordPress plugin for WooCommerce products is quite simple. All you have to do is follow the given steps.

1. Search For The Custom Fields: At the “Custom Fields” tab, you need to create a novel field. Next, you have to click on “Add New” which is located in the field groups. The Field Group is nothing complex but a collection of fields you save for a specific product. For example, if you have a “Smartphone” as your product, then its group field will be called “Smartphone Fields”. It will highlight the list of specifications concerning the specific smartphone listed on the site.

2. Custom Field Addition: It’s the stage where you are compelled to develop the setup. It’s essential for you to create a field. On the same page, you will see an “Add Field” option. Continuing the smartphone case, you need to add a field of Camera MP. You need this field to be placed below the existing detail options on the concerned product page. Now, it’s not exactly what you need to do, it’s just a possibility. Advanced custom fields plugin will enable you to change the field from Camera to anything you want to manifest on the product page. Once you enter the personalized field “Camera MP”, you will be able to see that a new field has been developed on the backend. The field can be identified by the name entered by you.

3. Modify The Information Using Custom Fields: While editing an existing product or adding a new one, you will be able to see a new field created. Due to default, it will be displayed beneath the text editor, however, users have the option to select the settings option on the field group to modify its position on the product data box. Now, you need to add the concerned data on the custom field you have recently created. It needs to be done for all the items under the specific category of products. By this stage, you are successful in creating a custom field on the backend. Not just that, but the related information has been secured in your database as well. Though a major question is where do you find it on the front end?

4. Product Page Additions: WordPress advanced custom fields require you to do certain coding in order to display the desired custom field on the specific product page. However, users might want to find the location of the custom code. Your custom code is required to be added in one place out of the two. Users need to be careful at this stage. You don’t want to add it to the parent theme as it might affect your parent theme’s functionality. Users are suggested to have a child theme through XTEMOS in order to add the desired custom field without affecting the layout of the theme on the front page of the site. XTEMOS offers exceptional eCommerce templates WordPress to make the process of implementing custom fields simple, engaging and error-free. You can upload a child theme like any other theme you add to your site. Go to Appearance, select Themes and go to Add New option. Your custom code will be added to the functions.php under the child theme. You need to make sure that your child-theme is activated and your parent theme is not affected.

5. Front-end Display: In order to give the finishing touches, you are required to ensure that a custom field is being displayed on the front-end of the concerned product page. In order to add custom field woo-commerce product, you need to use the [acf field= “”], which is the shortcode. You need to add the field name displayed on the backend within the quotation symbols. There is an option to search every field name in the editor interface of the field group. Once you have added the code, you need to click on either publish or Update option. This will help your customers and audiences to observe the custom fields at the front end on the position where shortcodes have been added.

Why is ACF The Right Plugin For This Purpose?

Advanced custom fieldsis one of the various plugin options available on WordPress. Especially for WooCommerce products, the ACF plugin WordPress is the most suited option. The WordPress ACF plugin is developed to foster enhanced control over your WordPress’s content. It fosters structured data implementation on not just product pages but also on posts. Users are allowed to develop and configure varying kinds of data fields, which are displayed in the meta boxes while the content editors make additions and modifications on the product pages.

WordPress advanced custom fields plugin has observed a massive rise in its downloads since its release in 2011. ACF plugin WordPress has certainly enhanced the utility of WordPress as a content management system by offering the extensive potential of expansion and growth to the platform. Not just individuals or WooCommerce owners have adopted it, but it’s quick and facile processing has engaged various agencies along with developers across different niches. You can add custom field WooCommerce product using the extensive features and fields while combining them with simple coding on the front end.

ACF plugin WordPress

The ACF WordPress is a dynamic plugin that allows you to make additions in any way you want. You have the option to add additional product data custom fields or also choose to have some custom add-on fields on the specific site.

  1. Additional Data Custom Fields: Under this section, the data fields highlight the extra content on the details of the product. They are the extra data fields to help customers know more about the product.
  2. Custom Add-On Fields: Add ons are the functional fields on the product pages. For instance, you are selling a top and it has colour options, the add-on field would allow the user to select or enter the colour they want to purchase. Data Custom Fields simply inform but the add-on fields allow the customer to deliver their input.

Now you understand how advanced custom fields can aid your WooCommerce product page customizations, here are some of how you can harness the ACF WordPress features.

  1. Create custom fields to highlight offers that require constant modifications.
  2. Add media elements that can be shared using the basic features of WooCommerce.
  3. Highlight time, the countdown for the release date or auction of a product.
  4. Variants for certain products to help customers make the right choice.
  5. Add fields for a detailed description of the product.
  6. Add upsells to the products that would align with the existing products. You can create a field of “What Else You Might Like” to display the products that would go well with the main product.
  7. Any other data you want to add to the product page and is not mentioned on the WooCommerce.


WP advanced custom fields plugin is one of the most suited ways to enhance your control over your specific WooCommerce site. The plugin enables you to utilize simple features and make the addition of extra fields on single product pages simple. You can use certain tools of your WooCommerce along with ACF WordPress to create free of cost custom fields anywhere.

You can make advanced custom fields plugin download for free and make custom additions to locations anywhere on the site. When you use a new child’s theme from XTEMOS, you will be able to locate the custom field at any position using ACF plugin WordPress. It’s the best way to enhance the way you create and post content for the website.

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