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The World the Cold War Built

The Cold War: A World History, Odd Arne Westad, Basic Books, 662 pages In a new introduction to his classic novel, The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, John le Carré evokes memories of the early days of the…

An Armenian Rhapsody

Browsing in the video store (to hell with Netflix!), sedulously avoiding superheroes, sex comedies, and Amy Schumer, I picked up the recent release Ithaca, hoping it might be a satire on that Upstate New York college town. ’Twas even better:…

#MeToo in an Age of Heterophobia

From Hollywood stars in black frocks protesting sexual harassment to high profile campaigns against the gender pay gap, from women’s marches against Donald Trump to YouTube videos of street catcalling, feminism has rarely had a higher profile. Today, everyone is…