Porn Game Changer? Firm Offers AI-Generated Pics of Nude Women

The venture is now all about generating pictures of virtual, unreal women to the liking of the startup’s most sophisticated clients, but is set to expand to videos and motion pictures some time soon.

A startup suggestively called These Nudes Do not Exist is now at customers’ service, ready to bring about a real evolution  (or…revolution?) in the world of porn: it offers images of algorithmically drawn up nudes of women that look as though they are posing for a mugshot, Vice reported. The price is by the way more than affordable – 1$ for one picture.

“We knew that we had the technical expertise and self-funding capabilities to succeed in bringing GAN technology to nude content, and wouldn’t find ourselves in a crowded space with a lot of competition, and as such the opportunity was pretty attractive”, a co-founder of These Nudes Do Not Exist (TNDNE), who requested to remain anonymous because he and his partner didn’t want to be publicly associated with their venture, told Vice.

One may probably ask why a nude – picked by a customer ploughing through a parade of strikingly similar slim bodies with average-sized breasts – would count as a pornographic content.  The co-founder instantly comes up with an answer, saying the long-term goal is to have “complete 3D rendered AI-generated models capable of creating custom photo and video content”. Separately, TNDNE notes it is aiming to eventually expand further to include more poses and video options in the longer run.

To create the specially-styled naked pictures, the TNDNE platform uses Generative Adversarial Networks, an algorithm trained on piles of nude figures in order to produce completely new, novel versions. The latter will not be protected by anyone else’s copyright and will guarantee that every female image users create is uniquely not that of a real woman.

A tough issue along the way arises as the founders try to search for appropriate images:


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