How Students Use ChatuGPT? Interesting Results from an International Study

ChatGPT is most often used by students for brainstorming, summarizing texts, and research when writing scientific texts. Students use the tool willingly and with curiosity, but are aware of its limitations – according to research in 109 countries.

How Students Use ChatuGPT? Interesting Results from an International Study

photo: Beyzaa Yurtkuran // Pexels

“People are divided into those who already use AI tools and those who will use them,” said research participant Prof. Artur Strzelecki from the University of Economics in Katowice in an interview with PAP. As for students, he reported, almost all of them use ChatuGPT.

In a large international study, nearly 150 researchers surveyed 23,000 students about how they use ChatuGPT in their studies. The research was published in PLOS One.

This is how students use ChataGPT

Students mainly used ChatuGPT for brainstorming and coming up with new ideas (29%), summarizing long texts (27%) and searching for information for scientific articles (25%).

One in five respondents also used ChatuGPT as: help with writing texts for studies – term papers and scientific articles, revising knowledge for exams, translating from one language to another, seeking advice on personal matters, writing programming codes and proofreading texts.

ChatGPT was less popular as a tool for writing formal texts (e.g. emails), solving math problems and in creativity (writing stories, poems). “And this may mean that students still – when it comes to expression – rely more on their own abilities than on the capabilities of AI,” commented researchers in PlosOne.

Students found the chat to be good at simplifying complex information and summarizing content, but less reliable “in providing information and supporting learning.”

Two thirds of the respondents considered it necessary for students to take appropriate measures to protect their private information when using ChatGPT. And about half of the respondents considered that universities or research institutions should issue guidelines on how ChatuGPT can be used in academic work. Every second respondent also believed that students should consult with lecturers on the extent to which they use ChatuGPT in research work.

“Students should remember that not everything that AI creates is true,” reminded Prof. Strzelecki. He emphasized how important it is to be sensitive to so-called AI hallucinations. In its statements, AI sometimes makes up some information and presents it as if it were true. However, not everything that is written in a professional, careful language is true.

Ludwik Tomal (PAP)

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