The term fulfillment, which translates as “fulfillment”, came to us from American English. In the commercial sphere, it has become firmly established thanks to the world-famous online marketplace Amazon, where they first began to improve the warehouse logistics, modernizing it to their needs, in order to improve the quality of service. This useful experience was quickly adopted by other major companies such as
Expansion Fulfillment, which also provides support for stores on Amazon, namely, controlling stock levels and sending to the Amazon warehouse at the right time.
What is fulfillment?
Today’s classic understanding of fulfillment includes three components that are inextricably linked:
- Comprehensive warehouse organization.
- Delivery.
- Generation of document flow.
Expansion Fulfillment controls all of this online by accessing data through special programs. But let’s find the right kind of fullfilment for you.
There are two main types of modern fullfilment, depending on the target audience:
B2B – supplies for legal entities, wholesalers and small businesses (from the manufacturer’s warehouse – to a beauty salon, cosmetology office, etc.).
B2C – sales directly to end users (for example, ordinary visitors to the online store).
Each option – its own specifics:
In the first case, the number of orders may be small. But the nomenclature of goods and the volume of supply are quite large.
In the second case, we are talking about high-speed processing and sending a huge number of small orders, some of which will be collected (2-3 items or more). Here, it is more likely to cull and return individual items.
Most of the work processes of fullfilment are automated. If a company has its own order processing service or online platform, it can be integrated with Expansion Fulfillment systems, getting an ideal scheme of work.
It is unrealistic to set up a good quality of fullfilment without the appropriate IT-integration in the current environment. The choice of the optimal model depends solely on the capabilities and wishes of the client.
Fulfillment services allow for both full and partial integration, as well as the creation of individual workstations on ready-made platforms, which is important for small businesses. In rare cases, it is necessary to create a customized software product for a particular client, taking into account the specifics of his work.
In practice, everything looks very simple: any operations related to the work of the warehouse, shipment and delivery of goods is the responsibility of Expansion Fulfillment. On the share of the Internet-shop or site are the search and attraction of clients, improving the quality of customer service, increasing the average check and profit, large-scale advertising campaigns, etc.
Fulfillment is essential for small and medium-sized businesses looking to optimize their costs. Yes, it will seem expensive for start-up entrepreneurs. But if the volume of applications is measured in the hundreds, or constantly growing unaccounted costs – it makes sense to carry out a fullfilment, in what the company Expansion Fulfillment can help you at the highest level.