The wildly popular Netflix show “Tiger King” featured an employee of star Joseph “Joe Exotic” Maldonado-Passage whose hand was torn off by a wildcat. While Exotic is in prison after being convicted of a murder-for-hire plot against his archnemesis, Carole Baskin, it seems as though similar misfortune has now struck a volunteer at her establishment
Candy Couser, a longtime volunteer at Baskin’s Big Cat Rescue animal sanctuary in Tampa, Florida, nearly had her arm torn off by a tiger. Emergency crews say she is hospitalized with serious injuries, and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission confirmed it has opened an investigation.
The attack took place on Thursday around 8 a.m. local time, according to WFLA-TV.
“Kimba grabbed her arm and nearly tore it off at the shoulder,” the sanctuary’s Facebook post stated.
Couser was rushed to St. Joseph’s Hospital with “serious injuries,” WTSP-TV reported.