Earlier this month, police launched a special operation in the Swiss town of Biel after receiving reports of several shootings. Law enforcement officials confirmed that a dead body was found in a residential building in Lengnau, which they assumed was the victim of a crime.
The Swiss attorney general’s office (OAG) has opened an investigation into “a suspected terrorist-motivated attack” on people in a department store in the southern city of Lugano, the OAG told a press conference on Tuesday.
According to Ticino cantonal police, a female suspect grabbed a woman by the neck and stabbed another in a department store. The 28-year-old suspect is now in custody.
One victim was seriously wounded and the other sustained light injuries, the police reported.
On 12 November, the Swiss police received reports of several shootings in the town of Biel. Reports on social media suggested that at least two people were wounded. After the police launched a special operation, a dead body was found in a residential building in Lengnau municipality.
Sourse: sputniknews.com