Trump Campaign Cuts Staff Amid Calls for Supporters to Donate to ‘Election Defense Task Force’

Although US President Donald Trump continues to contest the win of US President-elect Joe Biden, a recent report citing former reelection campaign employees claims 45 has already begun laying off his staffers.

“They just laid off people,” a former Trump campaign adviser told Yahoo News on Monday, less than a week after the US presidential election.

According to one Republican source who spoke to Yahoo News, the rumored layoffs from the Trump campaign are not out of the ordinary.

“Every campaign has a sell-by date, even successful ones,” the GOP source claimed. “This is why campaign life is the best and also worst job ever.”

He most recently tweeted that the so-called Democratic “ballot corruption” regarding the election would be “exposed” on Sean Hannity’s Fox News program at 9:00 p.m. EST Tuesday night.

Trump campaign Communications Director Tim Murtaugh echoed the Republican source’s explanation and told Yahoo in an emailed statement that the reported layoffs were simply post-election turnover.

“Unlike most campaigns, which close down immediately after Election Day, because of the unprecedented nature of the 2020 race, we have long had a plan to continue on to see President Trump reelected,” Murtaugh claimed.

As the Trump campaign’s legal operations related to the election continue, the US president has called on his supporters to donate to his “Election Defense Task Force.”

“Please contribute ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATELY to join the Election Defense Task Force and to increase your impact by 1000%!” reads the task force’s website.


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