South Korea’s Parliament Reportedly Bans Cross-Border Flying of Critical Leaflets to North

TOKYO (Sputnik) – The South Korean parliament has approved a bill prohibiting the launch of propaganda leaflets across the border to North Korea as a measure to protect residents of borderline areas, South Korean news agency Yonhap reported on Monday.

The bill was passed in a 187-0 vote, according to the report. It prohibits catapulting leaflets containing criticism of North Korea’s political system and leader Kim Jong Un, making it punishable by three years in prison or a $30,000 fine.

Following a relative quiet in the inter-Korean relations during the coronavirus outbreak, tensions heated up in June as North Korea was angered by a campaign of South-based defectors flying anti-Pyongyang leaflets on balloons across the border. The North threatened the South with a state-level action and even blew up the joint communications office.


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