Anastasia Vashukevich, better known by her nickname Nastya Rybka, has been incarcerated in Thailand since last February on charges of providing sexual services and working without the proper permits. She had claimed to have tapes documenting alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, which both Washington and Moscow had repeatedly denied.
Nastya Rybka, a model who spent the past nine months in a Thai jail for staging “sex training sessions”, has said that she wants to trade the uncomfortable floor for a bed.
“I want to get a bed. I want to get a bed so much! I have been sleeping on the floor for nine months. Now, here, in the IDC (Immigration Detention Centre), I’ve got a pillow. I am awaiting my deportation, so I’ve got a pillow here. You cannot imagine how happy it makes me feel”, she told Sputnik in a phone interview from Thailand.
Nastya Rybka (real name Anastasia Vashukevich) is a self-described escort from Belarus; she pleaded guilty on Tuesday, alongside another seven defendants, to soliciting prostitution and criminal conspiracy. All of them were handed a suspended sentence, which had already been fully covered by the nine months they had spent in custody. The sentence paves the way for their deportation, which could happen as early as Thursday.
The group, which also included self-styled “sex guru” Alex Lesley, was arrested in the seaside Thai resort of Pattaya in February 2018 after running “sex training sessions”. Rybka, who had proclaimed her innocence until Tuesday, asked for political asylum in the United States, claiming to be the former mistress of a Russian billionaire who was accused by US media of colluding with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.
She alleged that she had audio and video recordings of secret meetings between the businessman and unnamed Americans on purported Russian interference in the US elections. Rybka later confessed that she had turned all the recordings over to the businessman and refused to talk about them.
While Rybka’s claims have not been substantiated by evidence yet, both Russia and US President Donald Trump have repeatedly denied any sort of collusion between the Trump presidential campaign and Moscow.