Mexicans Burn Effigy of Trump Near US Border, Urge Americans to Vote For Biden

Relations between the United States and Mexico have soured since Trump pledged to stop illegal immigration and drug trafficking from Mexico by building a concrete wall between the two countries. Trump vowed to send the check for the multibillion-dollar barrier to Mexico.

Dozens of people in the Mexican city of Tijuana have staged a protest against US President Donald Trump. The demonstrators marched to the fence separating Mexico from the United States, where they burned an effigy of the Republican. “Trump, we won’t pay for your wall”, chanted protesters condemning the US president’s immigration policy. They also urged Americans to vote for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden in the upcoming election.

Besides the effigy of Trump, protesters burned a pinata depicting a US border patrol agent. The move was aimed at condemning the killing of a Mexican man, who attempted to enter the United States via the Tijuana-San Diego border last week. The man died following an altercation with US border officials.

The news comes a day before Americans cast ballots in the presidential election, with Trump battling former Vice President Joe Biden. The Democrat has been ahead of his rival in most states for several months, but Trump recently narrowed his lead and gained support in several key states. The latest survey conducted by ABC News and The Washington Post showed Trump narrowly leading Biden in Florida and a Guardian poll tracker revealed that Trump is slightly ahead of Biden in Ohio.

We Will Build The Wall

When kicking off his presidential bid in 2015 Donald Trump promised to stop the flow of illegal migrants coming to the United States from Mexico. Back then, the businessman-turned politician said:

Trump proposed to build a concrete wall on the border with Mexico and send the check to the latter. During the election campaign Trump said the 450-mile wall would cost $12 billion. However, a report by the Department of Homeland Security put the price tag at $21.6 billion. The Republican insisted that the barrier would not only stop illegal migration, but also help combat drug trafficking.


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