Cartoons02:42 29.12.2018Get short URL
US President Donald Trump has canceled holiday plans with his immediate family, revved up his rhetoric and warmed up his random capitalization finger as he targets some familiar foes on Twitter in hopes of receiving his so-called border wall.
With Christmas 2018 now a memory, Trump appears to have ditched the holiday lights for a familiar brand of gaslighting that hinges on three key subjects: the (nonexistent) border wall on the US’ southern border with Mexico, “obstructionist” Democrats and the “Fake News Media.”
Though it seems Trump cannot be bothered with proofreading, his predecessor clearly still influences his day-to-day behavior. After digging through almost 16,000 tweets by former President Barack Obama, 45 eventually decided to quote tweet and “agree” with a 2011 posting by the former president regarding illegal immigration.
This, of course, came in tandem with numerous anti-Democrat, pro-wall tweets about how much the US “looses [sic]” in trade with Mexico and how little positive press he receives from said “Fake News” outlets.
Though Obama’s tweet had nothing to do with Trump’s wall, and 45 has even criticized Obama’s brisk deportation rate when questioned about his administration’s immigrant detention camps, the current US president feels pressure to make right on controlling the narrative in regard to his major campaign promise — especially in anticipation of a second presidential run in 2020.
Tweeting and watching Fox News in his spacious, lonely abode Friday, the US president also used his alone time to threaten the closure of the southern border altogether if the “obstructionist” Democrats do not allow his granite-colored spikes to see the light of day.