‘Dead Voters’ Took Part in US General Election – Report

Despite Democrat Joe Biden already claiming victory in this election, Trump has said that his team won the presidential race but the victory was stolen from him via massive election fraud.

According to Fox News host Tucker Carlson, already deceased Americans “cast their ballot” on Election Day.

Carlson showed lists of citizens who are dead now but who somehow managed to vote in the general election, “presumably for Biden”, as he said. The issue, he explains, is that “you can’t really know who is voting”.

The host lashed out at the mainstream media for being “totally vested in a Joe Biden presidency” and for not covering the alleged fraud in the election, claiming they are doing this deliberately.

Carlson claims the alleged election fraud has been facilitated through voting by mail. “Dead people tend to vote more often when you make it easier for them to vote”, he explains.

Carlson drew Nevada as an example, where ballots were sent to “every single registered voter” in the state, whether they requested those ballots or not, and where more than 40,000 registrations have not been updated for 10 years. Carlson assumes that those ballots could be sent to dead people, received, and then cast by someone else.

According to the Fox News host, false allegations of election fraud, however, could cause as much trouble.

All major US media outlets have projected Democrat Joe Biden as the president-elect in the 3 November election. However, Republican President Donald Trump has refused to concede and has filed legal challenges in pivotal battleground states claiming voting irregularities.

Sourse: sputniknews.com

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