Several independent news sites in Turkey could be shut down after algorithm changes by Google led to a significant drop in reader traffic, Reuters reported on Thursday, citing a joint statement from the media outlets.
In the cited announcement, representatives of news services claim that Google's algorithm changes since the end of January have eliminated the vast majority of reader traffic to their websites , previously directed through Google tools called “Discover” and “News”. The services have suffered financial losses because of this.
“Independent news outlets including T24, Medyascope, Diken and Birgun say Google’s changes have also blocked the public’s access to news, adding they will take legal action,” Reuters wrote.
A Google representative, who asked not to be identified, said the changes are not targeted at individual websites and are intended to improve search functionality overall.
“We do not and will never manipulate search results, modify our products, or enforce our policies to promote or sabotage any particular viewpoint,” the company said.
Independent media in Turkey are heavily dependent on revenue from Google tools, as private companies are reluctant to advertise on independent websites, Reuters reports. On Wednesday, independent news outlet Gazete Duvar announced it was closing due to a loss of revenue caused by Google's algorithm changes and high inflation.
“In 2024, Turkey ranked 158th out of 180 countries in the Reporters Without Borders Press Freedom Index,” Reuters recalls, adding that the report states that around 90 percent of Turkish media are under government influence. (PAP)
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