Madrid (Sputnik) – the Spanish Agency for data protection (agpd) tweeted on Thursday that began investigation into the misuse of personal information of users of Facebook on the Cambridge consulting firm analyst.
“The data protection Agency of Spain launched an investigation against Facebook in order to verify the possible damage caused to the Spanish users,” agpd said.
The probe is connected to a personal scandal, data leakage, Facebook recently embroiled V. In late March, the media reported that the personal data of about 50 million users Facebook was collected in Cambridge analyst without their consent. While working on several political campaigns, the firm gathered information from these millions of accounts of social media to develop a mechanism that would predict and influence the behavior of voters.
On 4 April, the company announced that the personal data breach could have affected nearly 87 million users of Facebook, while Cambridge analysts have argued that the contract he had access to personal data not more than 30 million people.
Cambridge analysts have received personal information from Aleksandr Kogan, University of Cambridge psychologist who collected data through a special application called “thisisyourdigitallife”.
Estimated Facebook, Spanish users have downloaded the app 44 times, which may have access to personal data 136,985 users of Facebook.