Space Wealth Ripe for the Taking: UK Reportedly Urged to Boost Its Economy Via Asteroid Mining

As the Asteroid Mining Corporation explained, they are currently getting “more support” from the government of Luxembourg than from the UK government, which “shouldn’t be the case”.

Mitch Hunter-Scullion, the 25-year old founder of the Asteroid Mining Corporation, has announced that the UK risks missing out on an opportunity to provide a significant boost to the country’s economy if it doesn’t support efforts to extract minerals from space rocks, the Daily Star reports.

According to the newspaper, Mitch’s venture, which he established in 2016, right after completing his university dissertation entitled “The Case for Asteroid Mining: Examining the economic and political benefits to be gained from mining in Space”, has recently discovered Asteroid 1986DA, “which could be worth trillions”, and the entrepreneur is now hoping to launch a mission there in 2027.

He also complained that they’re currently getting “more support” from the government of Luxembourg rather than from the UK government, and that, he argued, “shouldn’t be the case”.

The newspaper points out, however, that a spokesperson for the UK Space Agency has revealed plans to gauge the “technical feasibility of mining in space” during the upcoming Luna-27 mission that will “land on the Moon and use a British instrument to test resource extraction.”


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