Male sperm boosts a woman’s mental capacity

Male sperm boosts a woman's mental capacity
Male sperm boosts a woman's mental capacity

It turns out that male semen contains important micronutrients for a woman to live a healthy life. Norwegian scientists proved: if a woman systematically swallows a man’s semen, her mental abilities increase.

Experiment swallowing tested fresh semen

In the reproduction laboratory at the National Medical Center in Oslo under the direction of Professor Sven Norberg, experiments have been going on for a year now. Every week, 15 female volunteers swallow tested fresh semen, which their husbands or lovers hand over in a neighboring room. The semen is exactly 5 milliliters (the standard rate of male ejection during orgasm).

It would be possible to do the same with a blowjob at home, but for the purity of the experiment, the entry of ejaculate into the body must be strictly fixed. And this is impossible at home.

In the laboratory, the changes in the metabolic system are confirmed by appropriate analysis. Speed-Info correspondent was not allowed to see the intimate process. But we talked to Prof. Sven Norberg.

  • It has long been known, doctor, that blowjob brings pleasure to men. And many women as well. But there’s a problem. We at Speed-Info often receive letters in which women complain that they can’t bring themselves to swallow semen.
  • And for good reason! Male protein has miraculous properties. Semen contains prostaglandins, which stimulate the production of estrogen hormones in women. This means that metabolism improves, skin diseases disappear, and breasts get bigger. In addition, while swallowing sperm, a woman gets a certain dose of DNA of the partner, and during future pregnancy it will help the fetus to take root in the uterus. But that’s not all.

The highest IQs are in girls who like to do oral caresses

Two years ago, Oslo hosted a beauty contest for female medical students. The girls had to have not only flawless looks, but also show that they were intelligent. The tests amazed the jury: only 5 ladies out of 300 coped with rather difficult tasks on logical thinking. And they were the ones with the highest IQ. Not only the organizers of the contest, but also scientists paid attention to the smart girls. During the collection of information it turned out that these five early began to live a sexual life. Moreover, in the questionnaire they all wrote that they love oral caresses and always swallow their partner’s sperm.

  • We scanned the brains of women with high IQ and found that their blood-brain barrier (a kind of “filter” between the blood and the nervous system) is not as permeable as that of their less advanced peers.
  • What does that mean?
  • The blood-brain barrier protects the brain from toxins, germs, and excess cholesterol. This means that smart women are not at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, senile dementia or stroke in the future. But most importantly: thanks to male sperm there is a sharp increase in the activity of brain cells – astrocytes. This stimulating effect on brain cells is due to special hormones and enzymes contained in sperm. So much for an above-average IQ!

By the way, the reproduction center found out another thing: if sperm regularly enters a woman’s body, memory improves significantly. In any case, the same 5 girls with high IQ can memorize 5 seven-digit numbers. And Australians have come to the conclusion that swallowing men’s sperm is a good way to escape toxicosis.


A girl calls her friend on the phone:

Lyudka, do you like bird’s milk?
Well, I do.

Come to me soon, I have two such eagles sitting here!

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