Israeli Scientists Invent Reusable Mask That Kills COVID-19

The widespread wearing of face masks in public significantly curbs COVID-19 transmission and can help avert new waves when combined with lockdowns, according to research published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society A on 10 June.

A reusable face mask that can kill COVID-19 with heat by drawing power from a mobile phone charger has been invented in Israel, Reuters reported, citing local scientists.

The report says that the new mask has a “USB port that connects to a power source such as a standard cellphone charger that heats an inner layer of carbon fibres to up to 70 degrees Celsius (158 degrees Fahrenheit), high enough to kill viruses”.

An Israeli researcher, part of a team which say they have invented a reusable face mask that can disinfect itself and kill the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), takes part in a demonstration for Reuters at a laboratory in Haifa, northern Israel June 10, 2020

The sterilising process takes about 30 minutes, and “users should not wear the mask while it is plugged in”, Professor Yair Ein-Eli, who led the research team at Technion University in Haifa, told Reuters.

According to the scientists, the mask will probably cost about $1 more than a typical disposable face mask.

The researchers reportedly submitted a patent for the mask in the United States in late March and have been discussing commercialising the product with the private sector.

The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide has surpassed 8.1 million, with more than 441,000 deaths and over 3.9 million recoveries, Johns Hopkins University data shows.


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