Future of Gaming: What Should We Expect from Presentation of PlayStation 5?

Even if you’re an Xbox or Nintendo fan, the unveiling of a new console is an exciting event for gamers. The PS5’s initial presentation was delayed. “We want to stand back and allow more important voices to be heard”, Sony said in a statement, apparently referring to the protests against racism that are ongoing in the US and other countries.

After long months of expectation, Sony is finally set to unveil its ninth-generation gaming console – PlayStation 5. The reveal event will be held on 11 June at 4pm ET (8pm GMT). Here is what one can expect from the console, which Sony has described as “the future of gaming”.

Farewell DualShock

DualShock, capable of providing vibration feedback when certain actions take place in-game and which was introduced with the original PlayStation, will give way to DualSense. Design-wise, it is still the same DualShock but with minor changes to buttons and handles, although it is now two-toned black and white. 

​The main new feature is haptic feedback, which according Sony will offer gamers a variety of powerful sensations. They will be able to feel the tension when drawing a bow to shoot an arrow or feel how the car they are driving is going through mud. The controller will also feature a built-in microphone to allow gamers to easily chat with other players, although Sony noted that if one wants to have a long conversation with their friends, it is better to buy a headset.

Design of Console

The issue of the console’s design has been shrouded in secrecy, but leaked game development kits offer an idea of what it might look like.

​What can be said with 100 percent certainty is that the multiple venting options introduced in the previous model, which prevented parts from overheating, will be present in the new console.

Backward Compatibility

There is still no clear answer to the question of backward compatibility. Sony has previously stated that the most popular games on PlayStation 4 will work on the new console. The company has even said that tech improvements will allow the console to run older games faster. However, information on the specs that was revealed in March indicates that gamers should not expect full backward compatibility; in other words, if your PlayStation 3 is still alive, don’t rush to sell it, because the new console might not be able to play the games for it.


Now we have arrived at the most important matter of the story. Numerous reports suggest that in terms of price, Sony is going back to 2006, when PlayStation 3 cost $500. Again, there has been no official confirmation from Sony, but a report by Bloomberg in February said that the company is struggling with the price due to expensive parts. So, if you want to get “the future of gaming”, expect to shell out between $450-500 – perhaps more.

Games and Release Date

Several games have been announced for PS5, including Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, Fortnite, Destiny 2, Outriders, and Godfall. As for the release date, expect no changes – PS5 will be likely available in the last three months of 2020

Sourse: sputniknews.com

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