The device created by the science team reportedly allows users to counteract the effects of an unwanted magnetic field by creating “additional fields”.
An international scientific collaboration between researchers from the University of Sussex and the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona has yielded a method to essentially “cancel magnetic fields at a distance”, which offers some rather tangible benefits, reports.
According to the media outlet, while Earnshaw’s theorem (first proven in 1842) “limits the ability to shape magnetic fields”, the team managed to devise a way to circumvent it and figure out how to “effectively cancel other magnetic fields which can confuse readings in experiments”.
The device made by the scientists, “comprised of a careful arrangement of electrical wires”, is reportedly capable of counteracting the effects of an unwanted magnetic field by creating “additional fields”.
The potential practical applications of the new method involve, for example, doctors providing more accurate diagnoses to patients suffering from neurological disorders, like Alzheimer’s disease, due to being able to “cancel out ‘noisy’ external magnetic fields” and “see more accurately what is happening in the brain” via magnetic scanners.
The new technique may also find its use in the fields such as quantum technology and quantum computing, biomedicine and neuro-imaging, the media outlet notes.