China’s Reusable Experimental Spaceship Successfully Returns to Earth – Reports

BEIJING (Sputnik) – The Chinese reusable experimental spaceship has successfully returned to Earth having spent two days in the orbit, Chinese news agency Xinhua reported on Sunday.

The reusable spaceship was launched this past Friday on a Long March 2F carrier rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre in the Gobi Desert.

While little has so far been known about the reusable capsule, Xinhua said the experiment was successful, which marks a milestone in China’s quest to master reusable spacecrafts.

As declared by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation on the day of launch, the spacecraft’s mission was “to test the reusable technology during space flight and to provide technological support in peace exploration of space”.

The Chinese reusable experimental spaceship was registered in the catalog of space objects under the international designation of 2020-063А and number 46389.


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