Ancient Egyptian Temple Yields Baffling Discovery Amid the Hunt for Cleopatra’s Tomb, Media Says

Archaeological excavations at the temple site in question also led to the discovery of ancient Roman military equipment, reportedly the first such find in that particular area.

Dr Kathleen Martinez, an archaeologist who “dedicated her life” to discovering the elusive tomb of the legendary Cleopatra, ended up stumbling on a baffling find in her quest, the Daily Express reports.

Having surmised that the final resting place of the last ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom is likely located in an ancient temple site about 30 miles outside of Alexandria, the Taposiris Magna, Martinez made a number of finds in that area that appear to support her theory, such as “200 royal coins depicting the queen’s face and the remains of two high-status Egyptian mummies”, the newspaper notes citing the Channel 5 documentary “The Hunt for Cleopatra’s Tomb”.

However, as Dr Martinez discovered that while the monument that became the focus of her search “is surrounded by tombs of the richest members of society”, the excavations also revealed something that Egyptologist and the feature’s presenter Dr Glenn Godenho said he has “never seen anything quite like it before” – a stone sarcophagus, buried underneath a causeway leading to “the lighthouse tomb” located within the area, that contained non-mummified human remains.

While Dr Martinez’s efforts focused her attention on the “lighthouse monument”, she also ended up discovering “various Roman military equipment” during her search, reportedly describing it as “the first of its kind”.


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