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Check out “Glad to Help You”.
In Jeremy Beiler’s short film, Happy to Help You, two people, each facing a variety of challenges and communication idiosyncrasies, cross paths at opposite ends of a mental health hotline. Amy Sedaris stars as Nora, who reluctantly seeks help after being laid off from her job at a toy store. She worries about finances, her dog’s dental issues, and her ability to hold down a job. When Arthur, a volunteer counselor, tries to help, they can’t seem to connect. She complains and confronts, and he responds gently; she rebuffs his attempts to reassure her. In the course of their conversation, Nora touches on a vulnerable spot in Arthur’s psyche, and when the call ends, he finds himself even more immersed in his own burgeoning neuroses, leading to an unexpected attempt to reconnect and offer another way to help.