The graphic novelist Jaime Hernandez introduced Maggie and Hopey, the on-again, off-again sweethearts immersed in a burgeoning Los Angeles punk scene, in “Locas,” in 1981, as part of the acclaimed “Love and Rockets” series, which he authored with his brothers Gilbert and Mario. His latest book, “Is This How You See Me?,” out on March 26th, finds Maggie and Hopey, some thirty years later, as ex-lovers but still friends who are about to embark on a two-day reunion in their old neighborhood. As Maggie and Hopey move further from their present lives and closer to their old haunts, they confront their own dynamics as a pair—past and present. Hernandez’s simple framing and direct dialogue make for a poignant reintroduction to two beloved characters and their long-standing relationship.
We asked Jaime about some of the choices that he made.
You started “Love and Rockets” nearly forty years ago. Why did you choose to let your characters age?
In the beginning, my brother Gilbert and I thought it could be fun to let the characters age. But, as they started to get old, I learned that it helped the characters blossom. Now they had a past and a present. It worked better than new characters. They’re much more well-rounded. I know them better, and so does the reader.
Why are your main characters women?
It started because I liked to draw women, but now I find that I like to write women as well. And when I’m told by women readers that I portray women in a way that’s natural and convincing, I’m very happy to hear it.
Are you paying more attention to women’s conversations than to men’s?
Well, I guess I’m a good observer. I didn’t always know that, but that seems to be part of it. And I like having women friends. I love talking with them—there’s a different vibe going on. I find that women are more willing to talk about their emotions than men. Us men like to clam up, we like to keep everything in check—so it feels much more natural and richer to write about women characters.
Jaime Hernandez will be at the Strand on Friday, March 8th, to sign copies of the book.
In the excerpt below, Maggie and Hopey are on the first day of their reunion trip.
All images courtesy of Jaime Hernandez and Fantagraphics.