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The New Separatism

As nation-states in Europe wipe away their borders and dilute the flavors of their national cultures in a European Union slumgullion, their peoples are adopting new identities. Instead of Spaniards, they will be Catalans. Instead of Italians, they will again…

Black Mirror and the Prison of Eternity

Frank Kermode noticed with typical astuteness that “Apocalypse is part of the modern Absurd.” We have no trouble imagining tidal waves decimating shores, plagues depopulating cities, or aliens enslaving the species. In fact, we’re even saved the burden of creative…

Russian MoD Recognizes Schoolkids’ Finding of Island

While most of their peers spend their time navigating social media and exploring extracurricular activities after dark, these two Moscow region kids already engraved their name in history. The Russian Defense Ministry’s Hydrographic Service has officially recognized a couple of Moscow…