“Godzilla vs. Kong” has created a lot of buzz worldwide after its premiere in theatres on 24 March. The movie has set an all-time record amid the pandemic after grossing over $285.4 million worldwide at the box office in just 12 days.
It seems SpaceX Founder Elon Musk enjoyed the hit blockbuster movie “Godzilla vs. Kong” after he wrote on Twitter that it was “the most insane movie” he’s ever seen.
The film’s plot revolves around Kong, who undertakes a perilous journey alongside Jia – a young orphaned girl with whom he forms a powerful bond – as he tries to find his true home. However, they unexpectedly come across an angry Godzilla who is wreaking havoc across the globe.
The epic clash between Godzilla and Kong reveals a mystery that lies deep within the Earth’s core.
The gripping story has proven to be a big crowd pleaser, with people lining up to watch it in cinemas all over the world.
According to the World Box Office, Godzilla Vs Kong has garnered over $285.4 million worldwide at the box office in just 12 days – about $137.1 million in China, $48.5 million in the US, and $6 million in India.
Directed by Adam Wingard, the movie is the sequel to both “Godzilla: King of the Monsters” (2019) and “Kong: Skull Island” (2017).
Sourse: sputniknews.com