Pakistani Muslim Cleric Gets Roasted on Social Media for Linking Coronavirus with ‘Immoral’ Women

New Delhi (Sputnik): Muslim clerics in Pakistan have been grabbing headlines ever since the COVID-19 outbreak. Until Thursday, many clerics were abstaining from obeying the lockdown by calling people to prayer in mosques.

Cleric Tariq Jameel in Pakistan believes that if a Muslim daughter practices immodesty and the youth indulges in immorality, then Allah’s azaab (punishment) is brought unto such a nation, while referring to the pandemic.

Jameel was invited for a collective dua (prayer) on a Pakistani news channel on Thursday as part of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s telethon programme to speak about the preventive measures of the coronavirus.

While most of the cleric’s address included past plagues and religious references, Jameel, linked the outbreak of the pandemic with the immorality of women and their dancing. He expressed dismay over their way of dressing up as well as their dancing, which is considered immodest in more conservative Islam.

Ever since his address, social media has been abuzz over Jameel holding women responsible for the spread of the coronavirus. Netizens are surprised that a man who expressed his desire to be with hoors (angels) in a national address was talking about women’s immodesty.

Many Muslim clerics in Pakistan have been opposing the lockdown amid the coronavirus outbreak in order to perform prayers in Mosques. They have said that this is an important time to pray to Allah. Doctors in Pakistan have been warning of a worsening of the situation if people continue to gather for prayers. The authorities have failed to prevent this. In some instances, police have been attacked when they have tried to stop congregations.  





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