Barring Miracles, Netanyahu Could be Put on Trial, But That’s Not the End – Israeli Blogger

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s new election bid is hanging in the balance as Kahol Lavan and Yisrael Beiteinu are pushing ahead with convening a panel to decide the fate of the prime minister’s immunity request. Israeli observers have outlined possible scenarios of how things may play out for Netanyahu.

On Tuesday, Arrangements Committee chair Avi Nissenkorn, a parliamentarian from Kahol Lavan, asked Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein to convene the House Committee to debate Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s request for immunity from prosecution in criminal cases, including breach of trust, accepting bribes, and fraud.

The same day, the leaderships of Likud, Agudat Yisrael, Degel Hatorah, Shas, New Right, National Union, and Bayit Yehudi wrote a letter to Edelstein, urging him to prevent the plenum from convening before the 2 March election.

On 13 January, members of the Knesset Arrangements Committee voted 16 to 5 in favour of establishing a House Committee, citing Knesset adviser Eyal Yinon’s legal opinion permitting the formation of the body despite parliament being out of session. If the committee rejects Netanyahu’s effort to obtain immunity, which is obviously the case, a door to the trial would be open.

Knesset Speaker Edelstein is on the Horns of Dilemma

The blogger explains that in accordance with the present rules, the accused has a month – “this is important in our case” – to ask his colleagues for protection. If he does not, or if the parliament refuses to defend him, he will be put on trial, Moor underscores.

He doubts that Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein could interfere with lawmakers’ efforts to debate the immunity request ahead of the 2 March elections. “Edelstein has found himself between a rock and a hard place”, Moor observes.

According to the blogger, Edelstein “does not conceal his ambitious plans to run for [the] president’s honorary post in a year and a half”; therefore, the Knesset speaker is likely to tread carefully to avoid a media storm. The Israeli press is openly attacking the prime minister and may hinder Edelstein’s ambitious plans if the speaker stretches a hand to Netanyahu. On the other hand, by selling the prime minister down the river, Edelstein risks losing support from Likud and the right-wing camp in general, the blogger points out.

Israeli parliament (Knesset) speaker Yuli Edelstein gestures prior to attend a session of Questions to the government at the French National Assembly in Paris, on May 16, 2018

For her part, Nelly Gutina, an Israeli author and political commentator, believes that Edelstein could opt for a “third scenario”.

The speaker can “drag out the discussion indefinitely, postpone the commission’s meetings, allow Likud MKs to speak endlessly, that is, to arrange nothing short of a filibuster”, according to the author.

Israeli Politics: ‘Wrestling Without Rules’

While Kahol Lavan’s Benny Gantz and Yisrael Beiteinu’s Avigdor Lieberman are clearly trying to oust Netanyahu from the race ahead of the 2 March vote, the prime minister theoretically can take part in the elections even while being on trial, Moor remarks.

“But with a defendant at the helm, Likud risks losing many mandates”, the blogger points out. “Likud’s electorate would be aware that being a defendant, Netanyahu would certainly not be able to form a coalition while many [Israelis] would either refuse to go to the polls or would give their votes to other parties. Apparently, this is exactly what Gantz and Lieberman are betting on”.

According to Gutina, “what is happening in Israeli politics looks like wrestling without rules”. She presumes that the Israeli government is facing a “systemic crisis” while Israeli society is growing increasingly divided over the current developments.   

“At the moment, the only barrier to the onset of a total collapse is the figure of the Israeli prime minister”, she opines, adding that “irresponsible old elites” are shooting themselves in the foot by trying to unseat Netanyahu.

The views and opinions expressed in the article do not necessarily reflect those of Sputnik.


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