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Miki Agrawal Wants America to Embrace the Bidet |

Jesse Wintermute, a thirty-two-year-old masseur who specializes in lower-back pain, was recently hired to work a house party in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. He didn’t know until he arrived, with a portable massage table in tow, that it was a party to…

Trump Nuke Plan Resets the Doomsday Clock

In 1947, a group of scientists who participated in the Manhattan Project—America’s crash wartime effort to manufacture an atom bomb during the Second World War—unveiled what it called the “Doomsday Clock” to graphically convey their concern over the danger posed by…

The World the Cold War Built

The Cold War: A World History, Odd Arne Westad, Basic Books, 662 pages In a new introduction to his classic novel, The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, John le Carré evokes memories of the early days of the…

An Armenian Rhapsody

Browsing in the video store (to hell with Netflix!), sedulously avoiding superheroes, sex comedies, and Amy Schumer, I picked up the recent release Ithaca, hoping it might be a satire on that Upstate New York college town. ’Twas even better:…