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WATCH a Soft Robot Slither Like a Serpent

It might be creepy looking, but it could have vast applications in the future, including search and rescue, exploration and laparoscopic medical procedures. A team of researchers from Harvard University were inspired by a slithering snake and designed a robot using kirigami skins,…

Traders Are Bullish on Bitcoin Rival Ethereum, Here Is Why

The price of the world’s 2nd most valued cryptocurrency, Ethereum, on Wednesday dropped below $870. However, cryptocurrency experts bet on the coin’s long-term chances. Ethereum largely held steady at around the $900 mark this month, apart from a major drop to $585…

Hedge-Fund Founder Who Devastated Argentina Calls Bitcoin Immoral

Paul Singer, founder of the Elliott Management hedge-fund, has repeatedly expressed his views on cryptocurrencies, dismissing the technology as “one of the most brilliant scams in history.” Commenting on the highly popular digital currencies, Singer, often called a “vulture” capitalist for buying…